Friday, December 17, 2010

Pemberton sled skiing day

A great day of sled skiing in Pemberton B.C. Great crew with James Heim, Ian Macintosh, Jeff Thomas, and Trallison.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wow, only 5 months since my last update.....

Paul MacDougall, Josh Lyons and myself spent 10 days down in Rio Nexpa, Mexico at the start of November. Amazing small zone, with a great left point break and epic views.
Now back in Whistler, where todays temperature was -17 Celcius........

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Poor Boyz Productions Whistler Sunset shoot.

Got the call from Jeff Thomas with PBP to shoot a huge jump on Blackcomb mountain the last couple of nights. Multiple athletes for both nights ( TJ Schiller, Ian Cosco, Simon Dumont, Jossi Wells, Alexis Godbout, Matt Walker for the first night). Matt Margetts, Charlie Ager, Mike Hentiuk, Josh Stack and Alexis Godbout all came out for the second night shoot.
Myself, Dan Carr, Paul Morrison were all shooting stills, with enough angles to all get something different and equally as epic. Jeff Thomas, Steve Horton, Dave Mossop all shooting film and video for PBP and Salomon Freeski TV.
First night we had an all time sunset, with Mossop and his heli buzzing our heads as the sun went down. Great times, with a couple minor injuries, but high fives were flying as the sun dropped behind the peaks and another epic Poor Boyz shoot went down.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fighting my way through shots from Alaska.

Back in Whistler for the WSSF, with multiple great events going on, the edits from Alaska are taking a while. Here a few more outtakes from Valdez and Haines.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Tailgate Alaska 2010 continued....

Valdez is hungover today after the heavy drinking session following the King of the Hill awards ceremony, with Travis Rice and Vera Janssen taking the home the massive swords as King and Queen of the Hill. This is all part of the two week Tailgate Alaska event.
We have been having an amazing time with 6 sunny days of the last 8, with another high pressure coming in tomorrow night. We will spend a couple of more days hitting lines we have picked out with sleds, then fly with ABA ( on Wednesday to hit a couple of classic AK lines.
This trip is a must for any skier or snowboarder with any budget. Cheap heli bumps, sled shuttles, unbelievable terrain, great like minded people all enjoy Thompson Pass and everything Valdez has to offer. Huge props to Mark Sullivan and the Tailgate Alaska crew. Big thanks to Jeremy at Mountain Sky hotel for sorting out great accomodation.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tailgate Alaska 2010

On the road with Dan Treadway and Josh Bibby doing a little story for Freeskier on the amazing Tailgate Alaska event in Thompson Pass. 3600 Km's, 3 guys, 3 sleds, one truck arriving in Valdez to waist deep snow and blue skies.